What's New in this Release Bidder

This page describes some of the new features in the N-Preferential Bidding 22-7 release. Not all features are available or applicable to all customers if you see don't see a feature described here on your screen you don't have it.

Browser Cache

NAVBLUE recommends that all users clear their browser cache before using N-PBS version 22-7. See your browser documentation for instructions on how to clear the cache.

Release Notes

New Features

S-66477 - AAY - Add Pilot TDY Crew Flag to Admin UI

A TDY Crew flag is now available in the Admin User Interface (Admin UI). It functions like other flags (e.g., Green) and is located in the following areas:


A TDY column is also available to the Crew report. This includes adding the TDY flag to the database. 


S-65248 - AAY - Grouped Free Days C Pairing

A new rule is configured:


There is an allowance for individuals who are not entitled to at least six days off in a period. It follows:


Absence days, even if flagged as "Day Off", will count towards the requirement for non-isolated days off.


Single days off on the first or last day of the period will not count as non-isolated days, regardless if the neighboring out-of-period days are free.


S-65560 - AAY - Grouped Free Days C Reserve rule

A new rule is configured:


There is an allowance for individuals who are not entitled to at least six days off in the period. It follows:

Absence days, even if flagged as "Day Off", will count towards the requirement for non-isolated days off. 


Single days off on the first or last day of the period will not count as non-isolated days, regardless if the neighboring out-of-period days are free. 


S-66485 - AAY - Merlot import to recognize Pilot TDY Flag

The Crew Import recognizes the TDY flag for the system to apply the correct Consecutive Day Off rule.


TDY is set to true if the value is one; otherwise, it is false.


The importer will change to require 10 fields; otherwise, it will produce an error. Currently, it requires nine.


S-68437 - AAY - Pairing Forced TDY rule

A new rule is configured:


If the crewmember is marked as TDY, they will receive a block of a minimum of four consecutive days off in their pairing line. No absences will count towards days off. The reason for which a crewmwmber can be marked TDY (for the purposes of the Reasons report) is insufficient TDY Block Day Off length.


S-66596 - AAY - Reserve Forced TDY rule

A new configuration, which has already been provided in an earlier release of S-65249, is available:


If the crewmember is marked as TDY, they will receive a block of four consecutive days off in their reserve line. Absences will not count towards their days off. 


S-67422 - ASA - New Average Daily TFP as a Sort By option

The Average Daily TFP option is now available in the Sort By dropdown. This is found in the WebApp Pairing tab.

JBU - Configure JBU Cabin Reduced Regular line with translation

A new translation is available for the Reduced Credit line. Please ensure that the translation is used in the WebApp, Bid Managers bids, and Reasons Report Bid Syntax.


The label will read: Translation for JBU - Reduced Reduced Regular line will display as "Reduced Credit Line". 


JBU - Run Parameter screen

The pairing run will have a combined limit that re-uses the existing parameter, but with translation. It can be found below the Reduced Block. 


The label is as follows: Max Reduced Credit Lines.


The six line labels shown in the image below are all replaced by "Reduced Credit Lines".

Note: Max Reduced Credit Lines will include both Pairing and Simple Reserves lines.  

JBU - Biddable Reduced Block (BRB) Schedule Report 

The Schedule report will display RCL for crewmembers awarded a Reduced Credit Line (RCL). Currently, it shows the Line Types (Bidder Type Indicators). 

JBU - BRB Statistics report

For the Biddable Reduced Block Statistics report (for Pairing Runs), add the following:


Nothing will be added to the Dynamic Statistics report, nor will there be changes to the Statistics report for Reserve Runs.

JBU - Roster report to identify Reduced Credit bidders

The Roster report has "Reduced Credit" added under the "EndDate" field to show if the crewmember has bid and been awarded a Reduced Credit Line. 


JBU - BRB Pairing Run - Award Reserve - Bid UI

A new sub-option is available to the Award Reserve called "Reduced Credit Line" and it will appears above "Max Above". The Reduced Credit Line sub-option will only appear if the relevant bid is configured. This bid is for JBU Cabin crew only. The Reduced Credit Line can now be flagged with or without Max Above. If this sub-option is selected, the syntax will be "Award Reserve (Reduced Credit Line)".



JBU - BRB Pairing Run - Scheduler Award Reserve bid (and denying for Reduced Block)

The Scheduler will handle the combined limit:




The above parameter is a combined limit on the number of Reduced Credit Pairing lines and the number of Reduced Credit Simple Reserve lines. The Scheduler will output to the database a flag stating if a person was given a Reduced Credit line (for both the Pairing line and the Simple Reserve line). 


JBU - BRB Export Reduced Credit Bidders

A .csv export for all crewmembers awarded a Biddable Reduced Credit line for an individual run is available. This is available for both the Pairing and the Reserve run and includes both types of line holders. To find the button, enter the Non-Combined Reports section. It displays below the Mint Report button for the JBU Cabin crew. 


JBU - BRB - Reasons report

For when a person is awarded a Reduced Credit Pairing line, the values shown for the Credit window will reflect in the Reduced Credit window. 


JBU - BRB - Scheduler Reserve Run

During the Reserve Run, anyone who received a Simple Reserve line flagged as "Reduced Credit Line" will use a different proration table for the ReserveTotal DaysOff rule. The RBP Proration Tables that are used for the Reduced Credit Lines (that is, new tables whose names start with RCL, such as RCL30_12) will be added with identical values to the RBP Tables.  


S-66476 - UCA - Min/Max Credit Bid In 1st Bid Group

A report is now available that identifies pilots WHO bid for Min Credit or Max Credit in their first bid group. For UCA, a new section displays in the completed Run > Reports category to allow for generation of the "Min/Max Credit Bid Report". Add this report to the Combined Report section.


The report should include the following parameters:

By default, the report will sort by seniority and exclude ineligible bidders. These bidders will be those whose first group is a pairing bid group that includes a Min Credit or Max Credit bid. 


S-68369 - AAY - Pairing import to allow carry-out credit 

An additional field is now present in the Merlot Pairing Import to recognize carry-out credits. For future periods values, you will need to add them together for the total carry-out value. 


S-67421 - ACA - Change Max GDO Min Value

The minimum value of Maximum GDO is now zero. Previously, it was two.


S-53171 - ALL - Expand WebApp calendar view

The WebApp calendar view now expands to include all relevant weeks without users needing to scroll. This is similar to the webUI. You should be able to display six rows of days on-screen without scrolling and the width will remain the same. 


Validated adjustment does not affect two activities on the same day fitting and the calendar still fits on smaller devices. 


S-67664 - CJT - Reserve rest before and after vacations

The ability to set a value (in minutes) of the amount of time required before and after a vacation day or block is now available for CJT.


The new rule is called: RestBeforeAndAfterVacation.


It has two parameters:


The initial values should be set to 1440 for both parameters.

S-67325 - GJS - Reserve Max X Blocks Above Y Days On Rule - Pilots

GJS Pilots that are configured with the Reverse Max X Block Above Y days On Rule now have the following parameters:



S-63921 - JZA - Departure date config change

The departure date will now be based on the check-in time, rather than the first leg departure time for the JZA configuration.

S-64990 - JZA - 2 DaysOffAfterTrainingToX - Spinner

For JZA, the minimum spinner value for "2 Day Off After Training is now one. Previously, it was zero.


S-66538 - QXE - Remove Relaxation of 2 Blocks of 3 Pilot Reserve

The Relaxation of 2 Blocks of 3 Pilot Reserve is no longer available for QXE. 


S-63534 - UCA - Configuration for Pairing Consecutive MinN rule

An update to the UCA configuration for the Pairing Consecutive MinN rule shows:


This enhancement is for pilots only.

S-63688 - UCA - Configuration of pilot pairing required day off pattern

An updated configuration for UCA Pilots rules for the pairing required day off pattern is now available.


It is waivable (using the existing waive block of three days off), but is set to completely waive this rule.


The parameters are:


The Waive bid is called: Waive Block of 3 Days Off.


D-35257 - ACA - File not uploading for eligibility

We corrected an issue where the upload during the import of an eligibility file would not complete.


D-35713 - ACA - WebApp able to add mutually exclusive bids (individually) to Reserve Bid Group

An issue was occurring where ACA Flight Attendants were able to cut and paste mutually exclusive bids from previous bid periods. This was causing the runs to fail and should not have been permitted. This was corrected.


D-34838 - ALL - WebApp: Consecutive - Add Reserve Bid Group Placement issues

Two instances occurred where the consecutive system bidder displays an issue 'Adding Reserve Bid Group' while: 


We have resolved the first bug by placing the new reserve bid group below the bid group of the currently selected bid line and above the sysgen reserve bid group.


As for the second bug, the system will no longer split "Start Reserve Bid Group". A new "Start Reserve Bid Group" was added above the selected bid line when closing the bid line editor without clicking the "Apply" button. Now, the system will cancel the operation without creating a new bid group.

D-36964 - ALL - Unable to print more than one page

We corrected an issue where the system would not allow the crewmember to print more than one page of pairings or bids. 


D-36967 - ALL - WebApp toolbar disappears

When users are scrolling down, the gray toolbar scrolls up and disappears from view. This was happening while on any of the menu options:


This bug has been corrected.


D-35917 - ALL - "If Not Depart On Date" list returns wrong values

It was detected that when in the Pairings Tab and using the "If Not Depart On Date" function, the wrong value was being returned. The system will now display the correct value.


D-35262 - ALL - Invalid error with Slide Vacation when using system in different time zone

We corrected an issue where DAL pilots were given improper warning/error messages when sliding their vacations to the first day of the bid period. This was occurring for pilots in time zones outside of North America.


D-35339 - ALL - No error reporting for a bad or invalid character in an employee name

Crew files that contained special characters in the crew names were not allowed. Also, Crew Planners were not aware of this problem. This system will now identify an error when a non-ASCII character is part of the import file.


D-36869 - ALL - Slow synchronization times
There were reports of sporadic slow synchronization times over the past few months. In October, it was reported to be especially bad. Once the schedules were published, some of the crewmembers were logging into the WebApp and experiencing synchronization times of 7 to 10 minutes. There are reports of 30 minutes of synchronization. Analyzing the SQL logs confirmed that the requests were taking too much time.


The best way to improve the multi-threading was to increase the number of instances launched by FastCGI in the Apache configuration. On the local environment, we did the following tests:


We will continue to improve the synchronization times for the end user in future development. 

S-67297 - ALL - Analyzer total pool incorrectly updating when moving a bid
The Bid Analyzer was not appropriately updating the "Total Potential Awards" when bid preferences were being moved within the bid group. This issue is resolved.