Credit Window Processing

The N-PBS Scheduler utilizes three separate, biddable Credit Windows for awarding full-time Crewmember blocks.  The bid preferences of the Crewmember determine which Credit Window is used initially for bid processing.  Each Credit Window is comprised of three Credit Values which are utilized by the N-PBS scheduler in processing the bids. These windows and values are as follows:

If a Crewmember bids Set Condition Maximum Credit, the global parameters for the bid are set to the Maximum Credit Window.  

the Maximum Credit Window

Maximum Value

Threshold Value

Minimum Value

If a Crewmember does not have a preference for credit, the global parameters for the bid default to the Normal Credit Window.

the Normal Credit Window

Maximum Value

Threshold Value

Minimum Value

If a Crewmember bids Set Condition Minimum Credit, the global parameters for the bid are set to the Minimum Credit Window.

the Minimum Credit Window

Maximum Value

Threshold Value

Minimum Value

For any given completion attempt, the N-PBS Scheduler awards pairings normally until your total credit is above the Threshold Value for the applicable Credit Window.  At this point the N-PBS Scheduler stops adding pairings and your block is complete.  If Threshold Value is not achieved, but the total credit is above the Minimum Value, your block is considered complete - the N-PBS Scheduler will not utilize Shuffle or Denial Mode to force your block above the Threshold Value.  However, if your block is not above the Minimum Value, the N-PBS Scheduler will utilize Shuffle and, if necessary, Denial Mode in order to complete your block.

noteThis description of the processing logic for Credit Windows is based on the most commonly used settings  which are controlled by Administrators.  There are many possible scenarios for the administration of the Credit Windows – check the monthly published bid information for details or contact administration.

noteIf you bid for a minimum credit  block (Set Condition Minimum Credit) or a maximum credit block (Set Condition Maximum Credit), the N-PBS Scheduler WILL go into Denial Mode if necessary to honor the bid , even though the block may be within the Normal Credit Window.

If Denial Mode deletes the Set Condition Minimum/Maximum Credit bid, the next completion attempt reverts to the Normal Credit Window and all previously denied Avoid Pairings and Prefer Off bid preferences remain denied.