Avoid Voluntary Event

noteAvoid Voluntary Event is ignored if your event requirement is Must Go. See Must Go Bidders and Junior Assign for more information.


Avoid Voluntary is ignored if events need to be filled and bidders with more seniority have avoided voluntary event. Your administrator sets a requirement for the minimum May Go that must be filled. The administrator also sets the Junior Assign status to each event pattern, if a pattern is set as Junior Assign the N-PBS Scheduler must award all of seats on the pattern.

The placement of the Avoid Voluntary Event bid is important. This bid tells the N-PBS Scheduler that you would prefer to get no event unless a event pattern is ranked as preferred based on your Award, Avoid or Prefer Off bids above it. If you are still awarded a event pattern this bid is ignored and your entire bid is used to award you a event pattern.

Start Event

Prefer Off Jun 20, 2018

Avoid Event If Equipment Type 2

Award Event If Start Time > 15:00

    Avoid Voluntary Event

Award Event If Event Starts June 15, 2018

Award Event

Avoid Voluntary Event after bid 3 tells the N-PBS Scheduler that you would prefer no voluntary event if it cannot award you an event that starts after 15:00 that gives you June 20th off while avoiding equipment type 2. If you cannot avoid a voluntary event the N-PBS Scheduler will attempt to award event that starts June 15.